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Group IV - Best in the West


To enhance mission performance and group camaraderie by:

Sharing Best Practices (SUI/CAV)

Integrating Unit Activities(FTX/PD)

Upholding CAP Core Values

   ★302★    ★388★    ★501★    ★508★   

Resource Total Updated 2OCT24
Members 450 171 SM / 279 Cadet
Aircraft 5 4 C182 / 1 C172
COV 8 5 Van / 3 Pickup
Pilots 29 14 MP / 26 TMP
Aircrew 55 29 MO / 55 MS
UAS 16  7 MP / 9 Tech
GES 264 21 UDF / 16 MSA
ICUT 157 21 MRO / 4 CUL


On 26MAR2020; Arizona Wing Commander, Col Pinckard, appointed LtCol Smith to command the newly chartered Group IV of the AZ Wing (SWR-AZ-392) which currently consists of four composite squadrons: Deer Valley-302, Glendale-388, London Bridge-501, and Yuma-508, while the former Bullhead-231 and West Point-319 squadrons have been merged with nearby units. LtCol Smith's group command tour has been extended until 28JAN2025 by AZ Wing Commander Col Yeager.


LtCol Stuart Smith is an honorably discharged USMC veteran, serving from 1984 through 1991 with the "Flying Nightmares" of VMA-513. In the decades since, he has worked for several leading military contractors and other agencies as an AV-8B Harrier subject matter expert, project manager, IT director, facilities director, technical author, network admin, consultant, and even a delivery boy...many years ago! Joining the Civil Air Patrol in 2011 with less than 100 flight hours, he has become an active mission pilot with over 1200 flight hours. His previous CAP leadership positions include Commander of Yuma Composite Squadron 508, Southwest Regional Staff College 2018 Seminar Advisor, Arizona SUI Team Chief, Aircrew Skills Evaluator/Trainer, and VolU Level 1-5 Professional Development Instructor. His CAP awards include the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award, Region Commander's Commendation, Wing Commander's Commendation-8th award, CAP Achievement-2nd award, Unit Citation-3rd award, Rescue Find-Aircrew/3rd award, SAR-Aircrew/5th award, Disaster Relief-National V, Crisis Service, Cadet Orientation-4th award, Senior Recruitment, Encampment-2nd award, and Colonel "Chuck" Yeager award. He also holds a Master rating in Information Technology; Senior ratings in Command, Operations, and Emergency Services; and Technician ratings in Communications, Logistics, and Safety. 

I'm grateful for the opportunity to lead Group IV as its first commander and proud to support its dedicated volunteers in accomplishing our shared vision. Together, we are the "Best in the West"! ~ LtCol Stuart Smith, CAP

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